In a word. No.
We've been snowed in for days here in Portland. The drinking companion and I managed to venture out yesterday not because we were stir crazy, or out of food.
I was out of wine.
Trader Joe's is the closest market to us. As he stocked up on "essentials" (bread, milk, eggs..whatever) I wandered over to the wine section. When what to my wandering eyes should appear? A Red Burgundy for (gasp) $7.99. Doesn't quite rhyme. Doesn't quite taste good either.
I love Burgundy.
The drinking companion has never had a Red Burgundy. I've often mentioned the absolute heaven and joy that is a French Pinot Nior to him, teasing him with a
Gevrey-Chambertin or a
Nuits-St-Georges every time we're in a wine shop. You know, the wines I'm not writing about, because well..we can't afford them now, can we?
If you are introducing someone to Red Burgundy for the first time, this would not be the wine to do it. It's like introducing someone to internet dating and bringing home the psycho woman who lives in her parent's basement.
This wine is thin, like skim milk. "Strawberry Kool-aid" the drinking companion stated. My first thought was an old Peanuts cartoon where Charlie Brown (or maybe it was Linus?) mentioned the hot chocolate he was drinking tasted like "water with a brown crayon added to it." This was water with a red crayon. Sour strawberry, tart, no finish. In a word, icky.
Luckily, Trader Joe's also had a Bordeaux...